May 5, 2023

Debut at Vienna Musikverein

Vienna, Austria

February 21, 2023

Recital at First Universalist Church

Denver, USA

February 18, 2023

Concert at Carpenter Performance Hall

Dallas, USA

February 17, 2023

Concert at Granville Performing Arts

Garland, USA

February 16, 2023

Concert at Arlington Music Hall

Arlington, USA

November 25, 2022

Chamber music concert

Vienna, Austria

September 19, 2021

Concert at Dubai Music Hall

Dubai, UAE

February 20, 2021

Recital at Carpenter Performance Hall

Dallas, USA

February 19, 2021

Recital at Granville Performing Arts

Garland, USA

February 18, 2021

Recital at Arlington Music Hall

Arlington, USA

December 12, 2020

Online streaming concert

Sion, Switzerland

April 24, 2020

Concert at Temple Protestant of Sion

Sion, Switzerland

March 24, 2020

Recital at First Universalist Church

Denver, USA

March 21, 2020

Recital at Carpenter Performance Hall

Dallas, USA

March 20, 2020

Recital at Garland Performing Arts

Garland, USA

March 19, 2020

Recital at Arlington Music Hall

Arlington, USA

March 10, 2020

Concert at HEMU

Sion, Switzerland

February 25, 2020

Concert at Fondation L.Moret

Martigny, Switzerland

February 20, 2020

Concert at Temple de Château D'Oex

Château D'Oex, Switzerland

February 19, 2020

Concert at Temple de Bex

Bex, Switzerland

February 6, 2020

Recital at Auditotium Utopia 1 HEMU

Lausanne, Switzerland

January 29, 2020

Concert at Caves de Courten

Sierre, Switzerland

December 10, 2019

Recital at Teatro Comunale F. Stabile

Potenza, Italy

November 17, 2019

Concert at Auditorium E.Ansermet

Genève, Switzerland


Master student of Pavel Vernikov at the MUK - Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna, Simone Spadino was born in Italy to a family of musicians and started studying violin at the age of three with his father Gabriele, who is violinist too.

In 2015, Simone obtained the Bachelor of Music at the Public Music Conservatory “Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa” in Potenza with the Highest Honours and Special Mention, in June 2021, He obtained the Master of Arts at the Haute École de Musique de Lausanne (HEMu Valais/Wallis) with the highest marks under the aegis of Pavel Vernikov and in June 2022 the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) under the aegis of Svetlana Makarova at the Haute École de Musique de Lausanne (HEMu) obtained with full marks.

Simone is the first-prize winner of more than 20 international competitions and He is a finalist of the 2022/2023 Vienna International Music Competition . He also won ...






Violin Concerto op. 64


Click here for more videos on Youtube


Classical oasis: Postcard from Dubai

This summer, Dubai played host to the InClassica International Music Festival and Middle East Classical Music Academy. Charlotte Smith braved soaring temperatures and an array of Covid travel regulations to witness performances by some of the world’s leading string players

23rd November, 2021

Afterwards there were two opportunities to hear student violinists from the Academy perform a movement from one of the big Romantic concertos – Japanese 22-year-old Taichi Miyamoto in Tchaikovsky and 21-year-old Italian Simone Spadino Pippa in Mendelssohn. Both demonstrated much promise and clearly appreciated the chance to perform with a full symphony orchestra for a supportive audience.


Simone Spadino: da Biella alla Lituania

Il giovane talento seguire i corsi pre accademici del Perosi

27th April 2015, 3.13 p.m.

Il giovanissimo violinista Simone Spadino, di appena 14 anni, ha partecipato recentemente all’International Festival of Young Musicians di Kaunas, in Lituania.

Un successo, per il musicista in erba, raggiunto dopo aver ottenuto la borsa di studio per seguire il corso pre accademico di violino tenuto dal maestro Pavel Berman all’Accademia Perosi di Biella. Il giovane talento ha eseguito il Rondò Capriccioso di Camille Saint Saens e il Concerto per violino e orchestra in re min. op. 47 di Jean Sibelius, accompagnato dall’Orchestra Sinfonica di Kaunas “Suonare al festival mi ha permesso di incontrare e confrontarmi con altri giovani virtuosi provenienti da tutto il mondo – ha commentato Simone Spadino –. Il clima era bellissimo: complicità e collaborazione, non antagonismo, nonostante le molte ore di studio e di prove”. Simone Spadino ha iniziato lo studio del violino all’età di quattro anni sotto la guida del padre, Gabriele e sta per diplomarsi al Conservatorio di Musica Gesualdo da Venosa di Potenza.

I corsi pre-accademici del Perosi, d’altra parte, sono pensati per i giovani talenti musicali, non ancora in possesso di un diploma conservatoriale ma che nell'anno in corso hanno sostenuto o sosterranno la certificazione C presso i conservatori italiani. Pertanto permettono quindi ai più meritevoli di intraprendere un percorso di perfezionamento, che li prepari all'ingresso all'accademia vera e propria. Attualmente i corsi attivati sono: flauto, violino, viola, violoncello, pianoforte e clarinetto.